Personal Shopping Package

Duration 3 Hours


Colour Analysis - this showing you what colours enhance your skin tone giving us a natural glow, bring out your natural eye colour, wearing the correct colours for our selves can make us look 10 years younger   

Body Shape Analysis - a must for weraing the right clothes to enhance and highlight our positives

Client questionaire - lifestyle, career etc -to maximise your experience 

A selection of outfits to choose from at different ladies fashion shops that suit your budget and lifestyle - this will already have been prearranged by myself for you and the garments pulled for your arrival

Then of course the fun, informative part as I start styling you in your new outfits - you wiull have a definite knowledge of what suits you, what colours suit you , the best clothing for your body shop and of course where to buy them from in the future

* Does not include shopping budget or travel costs if based out of Auckland





UPGRADE TO Total Style Intergration

Duration 3 hours


A total style intergration where I coordinate everything for you:

Current wardrobe make over

New wardrobe coordinated with exisiting wardrobe

Your Shoes to compliment every outfit

Your accessories to compliment all your outfits 

Photographs for you to keep of all your different outfits 




International Personal Shopping Package 

Includes all of the above, plus: 

Personal itenary 

All your flights and accommadtion orgainsed as a package

Can be just for your self or a group friends 





Colour Consultation and Body Shape Analysis Package

Duration 1 Hour


Full Colour Consultation leaving you knowing exactly what colours suit you and enhace you

Your own personal seasonal colour palett to take shopping with you for future reference

Body Shape Analysis so you dress to your shape and emphasizing the positives 

This can be done at a place of your choice, comfort of your own home  or in the comfort of my studio in Mission Bay, Auckland





Duration  3 hours


Assess your current wardrobe completely

Show you styles that work for you

Rearrange your wardrobe for ease of use

Photos of your outfits styled for you including shoes and accessories





Duration 1 hour


Professional makeup from Yvette Michelle - the perfect finishing touch to any outfit!
